Welcome. I’m Jebraun, and I’m glad you’re here. I write about discovering identity, living without fear, and I enjoy creating fantastic and far-off worlds.

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More about me:

Too short to be an elf and too tall to be a Hobbit, Jebraun lives smack-dab in the centre of New Zealand’s North Island surrounded by thermal activity, stunning lakes, and enough Redwoods to make her Californian heart swoon. She writes about discovering identity, living without fear, and enjoys creating fantastic and far-off worlds. Her loves include coffee, tree ferns, dark chocolate, and Jesus, and she harbours a secret penchant for British spelling. You can find her sci-fi short story “Beyond the Stars, Past the Moons” in Encircled, a collection of fairy tale retellings.

Follow me on Instagram for connection, encouragement, not to mention photos of gorgeous books and New Zealand scenery.